Looking Forward After A Breakup

A Foolproof Formula For Looking Forward After A Breakup

Are You Having A Hard Time Dealing With A Breakup?

At the end of a relationship, it’s easy to become stuck in the past. You find yourself wondering what you could have said or done differently to avoid that last fight.

While a certain amount of sadness is natural, the sooner you accept the situation the sooner you can reclaim your life. Consider these proven strategies for how to look ahead and move on.

Changing Your Perspective

1. Affirm your worth. Splitting up can leave you feeling guilty or rejected. Instead of thinking that you’ve failed, focus on what you’ve learned. Remember that you deserve happiness and fulfillment.

2. Take responsibility. At the same time, acknowledge the role that you played in any conflicts. By examining your actions, you discover what you can do differently next time. That’s a lot more powerful than being a victim.

3. Face reality. Chances are you’d still be together if you were really soul mates. When you stop idealizing your old flame, you’re more likely to notice other interesting singles.

4. Talk it over. Connect with family and friends who want to support you at this difficult time. They may have similar experiences and fresh insights.

5. Identify triggers. Everyday sights and sounds may bring back disturbing memories. Take your ex’s photos off your phone.

6. Set goals. Empower yourself by taking on an ambitious project. Use your extra free time to reflect on your purpose and priorities. Maybe you want to devote more energy to your career or community activities.

7. Care for your health. Does a broken heart make you lose your appetite or drive you to seek comfort in a pint of Rocky Road? Protect your emotional wellbeing by staying physically fit.

8. Consider counseling. Whether you initiated the breakup or it came as a surprise, you may be feeling overwhelmed. A therapist who specializes in relationship issues can help you cope with your loss and replace your previous patterns with more rewarding behavior.

If counseling isn’t really something you are up for, you may want to give meditation a try instead. There are a lot of people who use the power of meditation to help them overcome obstacles in their lives, including moving forward after a break up. Click below to get a great meditation as a free gift.

Author: Sterling McCartney

Sterling McCartney is a partner at Science of Imagery. Sterling has the unique ability to turn adversity into triumph and his goal is to share his talent with others. To teach other people to live the best life they can and to teach them good personal development habits. It is his desire to make the world a better place by paying it forward and teaching others to be able to do the same.

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