7 Ways To Heal From Heartbreak

Are You Suffering From A Heartbreak?

7 Ways To Heal From HeartbreakLove is a risky proposition. The risks are significant, but the rewards are even greater.

As hard as it is to heal from a broken heart, getting past your heartbreak makes love possible in the future.

The risks are lowered when you’re able to move forward effectively after a failed relationship.

Move Beyond Your Heartbreak And Love Again:

1. Take the time you need. While the common advice is to get back on the horse and find someone that’s even better, take a break. Until you’ve pulled yourself together, you’re unlikely to make wise choices. It also isn’t fair to the next person that falls for you.

2. Determine why the relationship failed. It would be a shame to repeat your past mistakes. Take this opportunity to reflect and learn from your painful experience. Is there anything you can do to prevent the same result from occurring again in the future? Many relationship challenges fall into one of the following categories:

Choosing the wrong type of person for you
Communication issues
Personal issues that require resolution
Poor relationship skills
A lack of time

7 Ways To Heal From Heartbreak 1

3. Cease all contact. If you have children with your ex, this won’t apply. However, in most cases, it’s best to stop emailing, talking on the phone, texting, and so on. It’s harder to get over the breakup if you remain in contact.

4. Get rid of everything that reminds you of them. That includes the pictures, love letters, Christmas presents, and the like. You probably want to save a few mementos of your time together, but they won’t matter to you in a year. Do you still have items lying around from your relationship of 5 years ago?

If you can’t bring yourself to throw them away, at least box them up and put them in the back of the closet. See how much they mean to you in 6 months.

5. Turn to your friends. Our natural reaction to a breakup is to isolate ourselves. This rarely helps. Avoid sitting around the house by yourself. Get out and be social. Call your friends and suggest a night on the town. Meet for lunch. Spend time with those who care about you.

7 Ways To Heal From Heartbreak

6. Avoid the urge to over-analyze the situation. It’s human nature to analyze every minute detail of the relationship, but there are rarely answers to be found in over-analyzing. You’ll likely confuse yourself, come the wrong conclusions, and make poor choices going forward.

7. Spend time on self-development. Instead of sulking, spend the time working on yourself. Now is the perfect time to get in shape, work on your career, take care of any financial issues, or grow your social circle.

It’s also a great way to get over your ex. We tend to date people similar to ourselves in many ways. Our partners tend to make similar incomes, have a similar level of attractiveness, and similar levels of overall success.

We often don’t feel comfortable dating someone who is doing significantly better than we are. And dating someone struggling more than we are isn’t an attractive option either. Enhance your life, and your standards will rise, too.

Enhancing ourselves can be a difficult process. However, with the use of the right tools it can become rather simple. Meditation is a perfect example of one of these tools. To help you get started on your journey of personal development, I have provided you with a free meditation bundle that can be acquired by clicking below.


Dealing with heartache is a part of living. Getting over a heartbreak isn’t fun, but a day will come when you go 24 hours without thinking about them. Then a week will pass. Eventually, they’ll just be a distant memory as you move forward with a more joyous life.

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Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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