11 Powerful Ways To Overcome Fear And Anxiety

Fear And Anxiety Are No Match For Your Inner-Power

11 Powerful Ways To Overcome Fear And AnxietyOne of the curses of being able to think and reason is the ability to feel fear and anxiety, even when neither are warranted.

Fear and anxiety can serve as helpful cues that there may be a situation that deserves caution, but after this is accomplished, they actually cause more harm than good.

You create your own fear and anxiety. You can also create your own peace and serenity.

Choose To Minimize The Effects Of Fear And Anxiety In Your Life:

1. Breathing is the fastest way to derail fear and anxiety. When faced with fearful thoughts or situations, we begin breathing quickly and shallowly. This begins a cascade of physiological events that result in feelings of fear and anxiety. It’s possible to circumvent this process by breathing deeply and slowly.

Try breathing quickly and shallowly for 60 seconds and see how you feel. Now try breathing slower and deeper. Notice the differences.

2. Act normally. Continue behaving as you would if there were nothing to fear. You can communicate to the fearful part of yourself that everything is okay. If you can act as if everything is fine, your brain will begin to believe it.

11 Powerful Ways To Overcome Fear And Anxiety

3. Spend time with supportive friends and family. A night on the town can work wonders to relieve stress and anxiety. A long, meaningful talk over a cup of coffee can be very beneficial.

4. Have positive expectations. Fear and anxiety are the result of expecting the worst. When you expect the best, you can’t feel afraid. You’ll feel excited instead.

11 Powerful Ways To Overcome Fear And Anxiety

5. Start small. Afraid of spiders? Look at photos of small, harmless spiders until you feel calm and relaxed.

6. Let it go. It’s common for fear and anxiety in one part of your life to bleed over into other parts of your life. A rough morning meeting with the boss could ruin the rest of your day if you let it. Once the event is over, decide to let it go and move on.

Are you ready to begin letting certain thing go in your life? if so, we are currently offering a great tool as a free gift that can help you let go of the things that are out of your control. Click below to get a great meditation as a free gift.

Author: Teri Ballard

Teri Ballard is a partner at Science of Imagery. Teri has been in the personal development niche for many years and her goal is to share her knowledge with others. To help others help themselves. Her desire if for everyone to live the best life they can and hopes to provide the tips and tools to help them do so.

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