Top 10 Ways To Declutter Your Mind

Top 10 Ways To Declutter Your Mind

Declutter Your Mind And Add Meaning To Life

Our lives are filled with clutter, whether it’s a desk covered with papers, a kitchen drawer stuffed with items that don’t seem to belong anywhere else, or an overwhelmed mind trying to deal with too much. A cluttered mind is fatiguing and results in poor performance and poor decisions. You can declutter your mind, just as you can declutter your kitchen drawer.

Declutter Your Mind And Gain Clarity:

1. Start with your diet. A poor diet can result in a foggy and confused mind. The main culprit is inflammation and unstable sugar levels. There are plenty of resources available on anti-inflammation diets. Avoid processed carbohydrates and all the foods that your mother told you were bad for you.

2. Exercise. Few things can clear your mind as well as a good workout. It’s great for your mind and body.

3. Simplify your life. You might just have too much going. Cut out activities that don’t add significantly to your life or your enjoyment. Clamp down on optional activities. It’s easy to become bogged down by things that don’t matter.

4. Create habits. Habits eliminate the need for making decisions. It streamlines your thought process. Eating the same thing for breakfast each day is an example of a habit that avoids having to make a decision. Create daily and weekly habits that take care of your basic needs.

One habit that I recommend forming would be meditation. Meditation can help you improve your life on many different levels. Click below to get a simple to do yet highly effective meditation as a free gift.

Author: Sterling McCartney

Sterling McCartney is a partner at Science of Imagery. Sterling has the unique ability to turn adversity into triumph and his goal is to share his talent with others. To teach other people to live the best life they can and to teach them good personal development habits. It is his desire to make the world a better place by paying it forward and teaching others to be able to do the same.

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