Less Procrastination In 4 Steps

Is Procrastination Holding You Back?

Less Procrastination In 4 StepsDo you put off your work for later, only to find your deadlines steadily creeping in? Then you, my friend, are one of the millions of people afflicted by the procrastination virus.

Procrastination is the biggest reason for loss of productivity and late output. Though many would not admit it, they would benefit greatly if they start their work on time.

For many people, putting off their work for later is more habit than desire. It can be so hard to get into a groove where starting your tasks in a timely fashion is a priority, especially if the consequences for being late are things that one can probably bear.

If you are one of these people, yet you desire to shake off your propensity for procrastination, then you have come to the right place. Here are a few tips to help you overcome this dilemma and become a more productive and reliable person.

Check Out These Tips

1. Set schedules. It is very important that you have a list of activities to accomplish per day. This will help you realistically budget your time and resources.

One of the cardinal sins people commit in regards to performing their tasks is to put off their work because they feel like there is so much time left.

A journal, organizer, or calendar of events will help you plan and schedule your task so that you can start them promptly and finish them on time.

Less Procrastination In 4 Steps

2. Save the vacation for later. Many people put their work off for later saying, “I’ll just have a little fun then buckle down to work later.”

While it may be true that they may have more than enough time to accomplish their tasks, it would be better if they finished their work first and then relaxed afterwards.

Wouldn’t relaxation be sweeter if it were after a taxing job? If you choose to lay back and relax before doing your tasks, you will be more prone to burnout and will have nothing exciting left to look forward to after accomplishing a task.

It is always better to have slack period AFTER a job than before one, especially considering the fact that slack time can be easily overdone. Before you know it, what felt like five minutes can easily become a few hours.

However, occasional breaks is important when it comes to productivity. One thing you may want to consider doing during your break time is a quick meditation session. Believe it or not, meditation can provide you with the motivation and peace of mind you need to keep pushing forward. Click below to get some great meditations as a free gift.

Author: Teri Ballard

Teri Ballard is a partner at Science of Imagery. Teri has been in the personal development niche for many years and her goal is to share her knowledge with others. To help others help themselves. Her desire if for everyone to live the best life they can and hopes to provide the tips and tools to help them do so.

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