Kids Have Chakras Too

Just because kids are kids, it does not necessarily mean that they don’t need some chakra healing too. After all, they are just a smaller version of grown-ups and they have chakras too. This information can help you learn how to help your kids in the areas they may be having issues with.

Chakra Healing gives you all the information to help heal your kids.

It might seem like kids don’t have much to worry about in the chakra department – they are not under the kinds of stress that adults cope with daily and they haven’t yet developed the self-limiting beliefs that mess up our chakras. With that said, it’s never too early to teach kids basic chakra maintenance, so that they can avoid problems down the road!


Help kids feel safe, enjoy life, be self-confident, be loving and compassionate, speak their truth, be intuitive and connect to their higher selves with a lifelong chakra balancing practice.


The following chakra practice is great for kids ages 7 and up, although you can modify it to be age-appropriate for younger kids too.


The most important thing to remember is that kid-centered chakra clearing has a different focus. Their subtle bodies are not yet fully developed, their hormonal systems aren’t fully developed and kids may find intense exercises like pranayama (a root chakra breathing exercise) overly stimulating.


Tips for chakra clearing for kids:


1. Kids need to move their bodies so if you’re doing a seated meditation, keep it short (5 minutes tops for kids younger than teens, or teens just starting out with this practice!) and incorporate movement into part of the exercise.


2. Work a lot more with the lower chakras than you do with the higher chakras. Kids are already very attuned to the universal energy (even if they can’t express it in words), but their are developing their sense of self and belonging in the world. The first chakra is related to their physical development, the second to their emotional development, and the third to their sense of self – the ego.


3. Incorporate the physical world and engage their senses and imagination. Keep it fun!

Kids Have Chakras Too

Image credit: Soul Centered Kids

Find out more , Chakra Healing

Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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