10 Simple To Follow Rules For Life

Follow These Rules For Life

There are some simple rules you can follow that can dramatically improve the quality of your life. These rules for life would include expressing gratitude, keeping your promises, saying I love you, being gentle with those in your life, speaking the truth, sharing your love, laughing at yourself, use words of kindness, consider others, and always do your best. If you can follow these simple rules, the life you live will be a life worth being proud of. At times, it may be difficult to follow these rules. However, keeping the prize at the end of the road in mind will give you the power you need to stick to them.


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Author: Sterling McCartney

Sterling McCartney is a partner at Science of Imagery. Sterling has the unique ability to turn adversity into triumph and his goal is to share his talent with others. To teach other people to live the best life they can and to teach them good personal development habits. It is his desire to make the world a better place by paying it forward and teaching others to be able to do the same.

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