5 Steps To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

The Secret

5 Steps To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You

So you have heard about the Law Of Attraction! You may have even read or the watched “The Secret,” but you still feel like you are missing something when harnessing the power of the Law Of Attraction…

Don’t worry, it took me years (I was really stubborn ;-)) before I ever felt like I could harness even 5% of what is possible with the Law Of Attraction.

The Law Of Attraction

To hopefully streamline the process for you, I’ve laid out the top 5 steps that I learned over the last 10 years, to really leverage this Universal Law:

Step #1: Take A Look At Your Beliefs – Change Them When Necessary


We live through our beliefs. When we use affirmations, the whole goal behind it is to overwrite old beliefs.

Let me give you an example.

When stating the affirmation, “I’m happy, healthy and wealthy.” It is trying to overwrite the old belief that you may not be the healthiest or have the money or success that you really want.

So, you have a belief that is not in alignment with that statement or you would all ready have created it and be experiencing it.

The great thing is that you know exactly what your beliefs currently are by just looking at your current situation.

If you are experiencing anything that you don’t want to, it is time to dive into your beliefs and start changing them.

If you are interested in learning my step-by-step system on how to change any beliefs that are not in alignment with what you want to create, I have created a membership site that has absolutely everything you need to start making changes in your life today. Just click the button below…Create The Life Of Your Dreams


Step #2: Have Fun

This was probably the biggest breakthrough when I finally realized this.

When I was learning about the Law Of Attraction, I wasn’t in the best place in my life. I was searching for an answer to all the things that I was experiencing, that I didn’t want to.

So, you can imagine, I wasn’t laughing and having fun as I was using different exercises and tools that I was learning.

However, that was also one of the main reasons why it took me so long to start seeing results.

Benefits Of Manifestation

Now, you may be asking how you have fun or laugh when using the Law Of Attraction.

It starts with noticing if you are very serious or not enjoying the process. If you ever find this is the case, try this one simple exercise:

“Smile Until You Feel Your Mood Change.”

Once you feel your mood change, go back to what you were doing before.

Everything should flow a lot more easily at that point.

To take it an extra step:

“Deliberately Laugh Until You Are Genuinely Laughing And Smiling”

By doing this physical action, it can produce inner changes that can help release and tension or stress that is holding you from making breakthroughs.

This may sound a little silly but try it out the next time you feel yourself getting serious and see what happens 🙂

Step #3: Be Crystal Clear In What You Want To Create

We all want to be “Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy” right?

But what does that really look like?

If you don’t have a clear picture of what you really want, the universe won’t either and you won’t be able to create what you really want.

So, try to think about and create the clearest picture in your mind about what you really want and what it looks like, to the minutest detail.

Step #4: Create What You Really Want, Not What You Think You Should Want

This might be a little confusing at first so let me explain…

Society, family and friends can have a huge influence on us. We have been told we should do this or this:

“Go to school.”

“Get a good job.”

“Buy a house.”

“Start a family.”

Etc… (The list could go on forever)

Law Of Attraction Cheat Sheet

I’m sure you have heard a statement like this from someone close to you.

However, whether it is one of the statements above or a different one that you have heard in your life, is it always in line with the goals you really want to set for yourself?!

I’m guessing not because I experienced this on many different levels and created and achieved many goals that I had absolutely no passion for.

We can go through life seemingly living the way we should be, yet it always seems like something is missing.

That is because we don’t take the time to ask ourselves if the things we are doing is bringing us toward something we really care about and want to create, or if we are just following something someone told us or something that we think we should be doing.

“By listening to your heart and intuition, it will lead you down the path that leads to your true calling.”

Step#5: Be Grateful For All Your Creations

Law Of Attraction Free Download

It is one of the simplest tools at our disposal, yet often overlooked.

Being grateful can change your outlook on your current situation and open up new doors to what you want to create.

If you think about it this way, if you aren’t grateful for all of your creations, why would the universe give what you want.

More importantly, if you do create what you want, and aren’t grateful for the whole process and journey, then you aren’t able to truly appreciate your creation.

So, take a little time each day to be grateful for everything you have experienced and are currently experiencing.

Then be grateful for all your future creations 🙂

Harness The Power Of LOA

Author: Sean May

Sean May is the founder of Science of Imagery. Sean focuses on helping individuals and companies reach their personal and professional goals while working to make the world a better place, one smile at a time. He has over 10 years of experience in the Personal Development space, using many different modalities and techniques to help break through old belief patterns and focusing on making things as fun as possible to break through any negativity or seriousness.

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  1. Thanks That was very helpfull , keep up the good work .

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    • Hello,

      I’m glad you found this post to be useful. When used properly, the Law Of Attraction can work wonders in our lives. I hope you are able to use the information in this post to make this Universal Law work for you.


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